
Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Thoughts

৭৭ থেকে ০৭ হিসেব মতো ৩০ বছর ধরে এমন এক পরিবেশে বাস করে আসছি যেখানে সবই আপাতত শান্ত এক পরিবেশে ঢাকা। কিন্তু সমাজের গভীর জীবনে যে মন্থন সব সময় হয়ে চলেছে তাকে তো আর কোনো অন্তরা দিয়ে থামিয়ে দেওয়া যায় না। সে নিজের কার্যকারণ মেনে যা ঘটাবার তা ঘটিয়ে চলে। সমাজের এই গভীর জীবন আমাদের সামনে প্রত্যক্ষ নয়। তাই তার গতিবিধিকে আমরা তেমন সচেতনভাবে নজর করি না। অথচ তার চলার কারণ আমরাই। আমরাই জ্ঞানে অজ্ঞানে সেই জীবনকে জারিত করে তুলি। তার মন্থনকে প্রচন্ড রূপ দিই। একে কেউ নাম দিতে পারে contradiction।

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Tarkovsky on Cinema

Good films are not seen by the masses.

Making of Saraband - Ingmar Bergman - Part I

Another master of cinema

Kurosawa Shooting RAN

My most favorite video. A great artist at work.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

বাঙলায় ব্লগ

আমরা যারা বাঙলায় কথা বলি তারা কি সবাই বাঙলায় ব্লগ লিখি?

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Next Film

I am working on my new film. Well not that I started shooting. Actually I am working ओं the script. This script was with me since 1980. Yes, I can remember I started writing it when I entered the Bengal film industry. Then it was just lying with me. Each time I thought about it I felt it is not ready yet. Then I started working on it again. Changing here & there. But again something happened & I just left it there on my table to gather dust. Again it came back. I worked on it only to leave it as it was, gathering dust over it again. But not this time. I have made up my mind - I must get rid of this script once and for all.

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Saturday, April 7, 2007

Director’s Note

The film ‘SONGSHOY’ (The Dilemma) my first feature film is about the dilemma of my changing time and society where I live. It is also about our collective social responsibilities, frustrations and personal ambitions. It is being said now days in India that one should be modern and global to become happy in life. Globalization is here and none can change it.

So leaving behind one’s traditions, moorings and beliefs all are out to grab the new world, new life, and new belief. A feel good factor has engulfed India and its people. Good days are coming!

West Bengal, where long and glorious tradition of Left Democratic Movement enriched the hearts & minds of her people for generations, is suddenly faced with a dilemma of leaving behind leftist political beliefs (Aranya, late husband of Anita) and forge ahead with a vision to become part of a global capitalistic society. The state, like a Hindu widow, has no choice, no money and no alternative ideology. Her existence is at stake! So it is being whispered, “Please accept the change. Do not rebel”.

Suddenly, it is being realized that without foreign capital none can and nothing will exist. A mad rush in the society has begun to change oneself (Anita), to become friendly with changing economic & social scenarios and its people (Dr. Shyamal Sen), to reach the summit (The mountain peak). This has left many like me spellbound and lost. Yet, when on one side foreign investments are pouring in the state we are witnessing sporadic “irresponsible” labor unrest (Bubai), ultra leftist activists (Maitrayi) are spreading like a ghost in the state. It is a confused situation for all.

The dilemma of living sandwiched between the galore of capital and the gore of social struggle have played an important role behind the making of this film.

May be what is happening is good for the future of the state. May be the dilemma in me is a sign of my own weakness. Sometimes I try to draw strength from the sayings “All well that ends well”. But what if it does not end well? If we fail in our collective responsibility of giving social & emotional refuge to our country men in this changing time like an eternal mother - A disaster may strike! (Death of Bubai)

The last song used in the film written by Rabindranath Tagore hinted about an alternative effort in this crisis.

Our Feature Film

Our first feature film SONGSHOY (The Dilemma) is ready for release atlast. From 13th April 2007 it will be released in Nandan film complex and two other commercial halls of our city Kolkata. Please watch it if you can.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

This is BOZAR, a centre for fine arts in Brussels, Belgium. Two of my films were shown here on 20th & 21st January 2007. Thanks to Tukudi & Cristine Gasper who organised it all. I visited Brussels with my wife Sudeshna who is a journalist. We enjoyed it like anything. We went to Paris from there. Stayed with tukudi.

Sorry for the delay.

I created this blog and then forget about it. Also I was not sure how to post new lines. Then I started to click on to all area of the page to find the button to post new lines. At last I think I have found one. Not sure about what will happen next time when I sit to update my blog. I may not find it.